House of Mystery |
101 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good (VG) |
$40.00 |
House of Mystery |
169 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$35.00 |
House of Mystery |
181 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$75.00 |
House of Mystery |
109 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$125.00 |
House of Mystery |
110 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good+ (VG+) |
$55.00 |
House of Mystery |
111 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$115.00 |
House of Mystery |
103 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine (F) |
$130.00 |
House of Mystery |
112 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine (VF) |
$170.00 |
House of Mystery |
124 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$60.00 |
House of Mystery |
127 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$60.00 |
House of Mystery |
139 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine (VF) |
$120.00 |
House of Mystery |
147 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$95.00 |
House of Mystery |
88 |
Miscellaneous |
Good/Very Good (G-VG) |
$40.00 |
House of Mystery |
143 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) |
$275.00 |
House of Mystery |
145 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$40.00 |
House of Mystery |
148 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine (F) |
$50.00 |
House of Mystery |
152 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine+ (F+) |
$65.00 |
House of Mystery |
165 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$35.00 |
House of Mystery |
190 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$115.00 |
House of Mystery |
170 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$25.00 |
House of Mystery |
175 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine+ (F+) |
$250.00 |
House of Mystery |
167 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) |
$45.00 |
House of Mystery |
168 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine+ (F+) |
$45.00 |
House of Mystery |
169 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good (VG) |
$15.00 |
House of Mystery |
169 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine (F) |
$40.00 |
House of Mystery |
179 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$250.00 |
House of Mystery |
179 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) |
$300.00 |
House of Mystery |
178 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine (F) |
$125.00 |
House of Mystery |
183 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good (VG) |
$30.00 |
House of Mystery |
183 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$80.00 |
House of Mystery |
183 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$55.00 |
House of Mystery |
184 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine (VF) |
$80.00 |
House of Mystery |
186 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine (VF) |
$125.00 |
House of Mystery |
186 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine+ (F+) |
$100.00 |
House of Mystery |
187 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine (VF) |
$80.00 |
House of Mystery |
185 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine+ (F+) |
$75.00 |
House of Mystery |
189 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$105.00 |
House of Mystery |
194 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine (VF) |
$110.00 |
House of Mystery |
197 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$105.00 |
House of Mystery |
198 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$90.00 |
House of Mystery |
202 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine- (VF-) |
$55.00 |
House of Mystery |
204 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Good/Fine (VG-F) |
$30.00 |
House of Mystery |
204 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) |
$50.00 |
House of Mystery |
224 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$90.00 |
House of Mystery |
213 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine+ (VF+) |
$65.00 |
House of Mystery |
227 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$90.00 |
House of Mystery |
227 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) |
$60.00 |
House of Mystery |
204 |
Miscellaneous |
Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) |
$100.00 |
House of Mystery |
231 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$50.00 |
House of Mystery |
242 |
Miscellaneous |
Fine- (F-) |
$15.00 |