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Cover Title Volumesort descending Type Condition Price
Beetle Bailey 10 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $15.00
Bill Boyd 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $85.00
Blazing West 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $85.00
Black Fury 10 Miscellaneous Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) $30.00
Buster Crabbe 10 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $45.00
Bill West 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $110.00
Bill Boyd 10 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $45.00
Baseball Thrills 10 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $265.00
Bunny 10 Miscellaneous Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) $40.00
Brides in Love 10 Miscellaneous Good (G) $15.00
Best of the West 10 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $100.00
Battle Stories 10 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $50.00
Billy the Kid 10 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $25.00
Battle Ground 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $225.00
Black Hood 10 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $550.00
Baseball Thrills 10 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $225.00
Beetle Bailey 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $90.00
Beyond 10 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $400.00
Bringing Up Father 10 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $175.00
Blackhawk 10 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $800.00
Battlefront 10 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $90.00
Blue Bolt 10#2 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $45.00
Blue Bolt 10#2 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $75.00
Blue Bolt 10#2 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $35.00
Buck Rogers (toby) 100 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $200.00
Buck Rogers (toby) 100 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $185.00
Blackhawk 100 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $90.00
Brave & Bold 100 DC Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $110.00
Buck Rogers 100 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $185.00
Buck Rogers 100 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $450.00
Brave & Bold 100 DC Fine (F) $55.00
Big Shot 100 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $65.00
Blackhawk 100 Miscellaneous Very Fine- (VF-) $275.00
Buck Rogers (toby) 100 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $150.00
Blackhawk 100 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $210.00
Buffalo Bee 1002 Miscellaneous Poor (P) $5.00
Beep Beep 1008 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $40.00
Buck Rogers 101 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $225.00
Boy 101 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $45.00
Buck Rogers (toby) 101 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $185.00
Buck Rogers (toby) 101 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $150.00
Buck Rogers (Toby) 101 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $300.00
Blackhawk 101 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $125.00
Bugs Bunny 101 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $15.00
Buck Rogers 101 Miscellaneous Very Fine- (VF-) $225.00
Buck Rogers 101 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $350.00
Buckskin 1011 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $120.00
Buckskin 1011 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $110.00
Buckskin 1011 Miscellaneous Very Fine- (VF-) $75.00
Bat Masterson 1013 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $125.00
