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Cover Title Volume Type Condition Price
Fantastic Voyages of Sindbad 2 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $80.00
Fantastic Voyages of Sindbad 1 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $75.00
Fantastic Voyages of Sindbad 2 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $25.00
Fargo Kid 11#4 Miscellaneous Very Good- (VG-) $30.00
Fargo Kid 11#4 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $40.00
Fast Fiction 1 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $200.00
Fast Fiction 2 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $85.00
Fast Fiction 3 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $105.00
Fat & Slat 2 Miscellaneous Good (G) $80.00
Fat Albert 2 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $25.00
Fat Albert 3 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $25.00
Fatman 3 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $100.00
Fatman 3 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $110.00
Fawcett Movie Comic NN1 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $70.00
Fawcett Movie Comic NN7 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $80.00
Fawcett Movie Comic NN5 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $190.00
Fawcett Movie Comic NN5 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $125.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 8 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $285.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 9 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $190.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $175.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 11 Miscellaneous Near Mint (NM) $240.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 14 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $725.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 16 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $60.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 17 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $190.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 19 Miscellaneous Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) $80.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 19 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $110.00
Fawcett Movie Comic NN2 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $80.00
Fawcett Movie Comic NN6 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $130.00
Fawcett Movie Comic 6 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $75.00
Fawcetts Funny Animals 33 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $65.00
Fawcetts Funny Animals 36 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $50.00
Fawcetts Funny Animals 36 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Fawcetts Funny Animals 37 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $50.00
Fawcetts Funny Animals 40 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Fawcetts Funny Animals (double cover) 77 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $150.00
Feature Comics 104 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $90.00
Feature Comics 91 Miscellaneous Very Fine- (VF-) $200.00
Feature Book 29 Miscellaneous Good (G) $50.00
Feature Book 51 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $600.00
Feature Book 36 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $135.00
Feature Book 53 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $365.00
Feature Book 40 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $70.00
Feature Book 47 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $150.00
Feature Book 47 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $70.00
Feature Book 45 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $300.00
Feature Book 46 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $550.00
Feature Book 49 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $125.00
Feature Book 55 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $440.00
Feature Book 52 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $440.00
Feature Book 55 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $325.00
