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Cover Titlesort descending Volume Type Condition Price
F-Troop 1 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $145.00
F-Troop 2 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $60.00
F-Troop 3 Miscellaneous Fine/Very Fine (F-VF) $55.00
F-Troop 5 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $60.00
F-Troop 6 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $85.00
F-Troop 7 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $85.00
F-Troop 1 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $85.00
F-Troop 4 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $85.00
F-Troop 1 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $175.00
F.B.I. 1 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $35.00
F.B.I. 1 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $85.00
F.B.I. 1 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $60.00
Face 1 Miscellaneous Very Good- (VG-) $350.00
Fairy Godmothers 984 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $145.00
Fairy Godmothers 984 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $50.00
Fairy Godmothers 984 Miscellaneous Good+ (G+) $25.00
Fairy Godmothers 984 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $110.00
Fairy Tale Parade 121 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $100.00
Fairy Tale Parade 121 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $125.00
Fairy Tale Parade 114 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $350.00
Fairy Tale Parade 114 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $385.00
Fairy Tale Parade 87 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $285.00
Fairy Tale Parade 2 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $450.00
Fairy Tale Parade 114 Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $325.00
Fairy Tale Parade 104 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $175.00
Fairy Tale Parade 2 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $645.00
Fairy Tale Parade 9 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $135.00
Fairy Tale Parade 9 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $625.00
Fairy Tale Parade 8 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $475.00
Fairy Tale Parade 104 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $110.00
Fairy Tale Parade 4 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $425.00
Fairy Tale Parade 9 Miscellaneous Very Fine- (VF-) $475.00
Fairy Tale Parade 121 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $50.00
Fairy Tale Parade 87 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $450.00
Fairy Tale Parade 5 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $325.00
Fairy Tale Parade 50 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $250.00
Fairy Tale Parade 87 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $325.00
Fairy Tale Parade CGC 5.0 1 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $679.00
Fairy Tales 10 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $150.00
Fairy Tales 10 Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $325.00
Fairy Tales 11 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $125.00
Falcon 3 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $6.00
Falcon 4 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $6.00
Falcon 1 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $16.00
Fall of the Roman Empire nn Miscellaneous Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $75.00
Fall of the Roman Empire nn Miscellaneous Fine+ (F+) $30.00
Fallen Angels 6 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $4.00
Fallen Angels 8 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $4.00
Fallen Angels 10 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $4.00
Falling in Love 22 Miscellaneous Very Fine+ (VF+) $125.00
