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Cover Title Volume Type Condition Pricesort ascending
Super-Villain Team-Up 2 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $30.00
Savage Tales 9 Marvel Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $30.00
Space Family Robinson 26 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Spirit Section 9/28/1941 Miscellaneous Good (G) $30.00
Superman 230 DC Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Secrets of the Sinister House 15 Miscellaneous Near Mint (NM) $30.00
Soldier 3 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Spiderman 133 Marvel Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Santa Claus Funnies 1063 Miscellaneous Very Good- (VG-) $30.00
Superman 264 DC Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $30.00
Soldiers of Fortune 11 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Sweetheart Diary 36 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Star Trek 34 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Superman 209 DC Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Shadows from Beyond 2#50 Miscellaneous Fine- (F-) $30.00
Super Mouse 16 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Sad Sacks Army Life 9 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Sparkler 90 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Sub-Mariner 12 Marvel Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Steve Canyon 578 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Stumbo Tinytown 13 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Sparkler 80 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Sweetheart Diary 48 Miscellaneous Very Fine (VF) $30.00
Sad Sack & the Sarge 3 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Superboy 193 DC Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $30.00
Superman 270 DC Very Fine/Near Mint (VF-NM) $30.00
Smokey the Bear 708 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Super Duck 60 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Smurfs 2 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $30.00
Sweetheart Diary 9 Miscellaneous Very Good (VG) $30.00
Star Trek 35 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Shade 1 DC Near Mint (NM) $30.00
Space War 14 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Shooting Adventures of Doc Peters nn Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Superboy 160 DC Very Fine (VF) $30.00
Spiderman 253 Marvel Near Mint (NM) $30.00
Space War 11 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Sergeant Preston 28 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Sweethearts 2#50 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Sarge Steel 3 Miscellaneous Near Mint (NM) $30.00
Short Ribs 1333 Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Secret Hearts 41 Miscellaneous Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Silver 26 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Sword in the Stone NN Miscellaneous Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Star Trek 36 Miscellaneous Fine (F) $30.00
Superman 210 DC Very Good/Fine (VG-F) $30.00
Savage Sword of Conan 4 Marvel Fine- (F-) $30.00
Superman 223 DC Very Good+ (VG+) $30.00
Sgt. Fury 31 Marvel Fine (F) $30.00
Superboy 161 DC Very Fine (VF) $30.00
